Telegram is now more engaging than ever. The Telegram group is more lively than WhatsApp group because of the increase in numbers of people per group. WhatsApp can only accept 200 maxed while Telegram accepts more than that.
Another thing that makes more sense is that Nigerians don’t need to have active data before they can chat on Telegram unlike WhatsApp and other social networks. Both MTN, 9Mobile, Glo and Airtel support Telegram free chatting and there are no special settings for this. However you can’t share files or any data using this free mode, that’s why I’m going to share another way to chat on Telegram without active data on your phone.
You can chat on Telegram for free with the following configuration
- Create a new APN Settings as follows
- Name: cell c free-telegram
- Apn: vdata
- Proxy: 127.0. 0.1
- Port: 8080
- Save and start using Telegram for free.
This is not a free browsing cheat, it’s just for Telegram only. Enjoy!