What is UBA MasterCard SecureCode (MCSC)?
The UBA secure code is an added security measure provided to you when you make an online transaction. With this code, it will be difficult for someone to make use of your MasterCard online without your consent. This means you won’t have to be afraid when you lost your MasterCard. It’s still recommendable that you block your ATM Card anything you lost or misplaced it.
Now the MasterCard code will ensure that only you can use the debit card when shopping online. You can use the MasterCard to purchase anything online. However, it’s not all international websites or online retailers that support or accept the use of MasterCard secure code. Below we will be guiding you through on how to activate UBA MasterCard secure passcode.
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How To Activate UBA Mastercard For Online Transaction
UBA has provided their customers with an easy way to activate their MasterCard when shopping online.
To activate your MasterCard, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Visit any website that supports MasterCard SecureCode (MCSC
Step 2: choose what you want to buy and submit your order
Step 3: On the payment section, fill in the page currently and click on the activation option
Step 4: Now fill in the secret question and answer and click on the continue button.
Step 5: Create your password, username, personal message and click on the continue button.
Finally, you have successfully activated your UBA MasterCard for online transaction. Now whenever you want to make a purchase on any site, all you have to do is to enter the MasterCard secure code password and the security question you have selected. You will also be prompted to fill in your MasterCard SecureCode password. So make sure you choose an easy to remember but not easy to guess password.
In case you forget your password, you can still recover it back by clicking on the forget your password?.
That’s just it. It’s very simple and stresses free to activate your UBA MasterCard on your own for online payment without going to the bank. If you want to make TV payment like Dstv, Startimes, TStv or recharge your phone, it’s advisable to download their mobile App which is available for BlackBerry, Android, and iOS.
Hello, Really nice post, just the information I was searching for, can you please tell me the list of sites that accept mastercard secure code, so that I can register my mastercard secure code immediately. Thank you so much.
Me, I also need help with such sites requiring the UBA MasterCard Secure code