LG G6 packs Snapdragon 821 with 4GB of RAM. Its Display Stands at 5.7 – inch 18:9 QHD+ FullVision Display (2880 x 1440 / 564ppi). Its display has 18:9 screen ratio which is perfect for viewing movies these days. LG has brought Dolby Vision to the LG G6 for full cinematic feel while hearing or watching music or videos respectively.
There’s 3300 mAH battery with 13 MP and 13 MP Dual camera on the back and 5MP Wide camera on the front. The Dual-camera consists 13-megapixel shooters with 125-degree viewing angle and F2.4 aperture). The other features are Optical image stabilization, Autofocus, CMOS image sensor.
Its worth telling you that LG sold 20000 Units of G6 on first day of sale in korea. LG is also taking pre-orders in many countries like Malaysia,